Journalism Portfolio

Hugo Daily News: Writing/Reporting, Editing, Page Design, Photography

I was assistant editor and staff write At Hugo Daily News in Hugo, Okla. My job included editing all copy and designing page one as well as several inside pages. I covered county and community news stories including events, city council and school board meetings, local elections and various feature pieces. I also took photos for each of my pieces.

The new pilot in town

“The new pilot in town” PDF
The above clip works as an example of my reporting/writing, photography and front page layout capabilities. I included the story’s jump on the right.

“Goodland School District proposes annexation into Grant School District” PDF

Hospital's new chief financial officer offers a wealth of experience
“Hospital’s new chief financial officer offers a wealth of experience” PDF

“Swink School converts to four-day school week” PDF

“Mobile museum showcases unknown WWII history” PDF

“Local author promotes book about his life” PDF

Rural Missouri: Writing/Reporting, Page Design, Photography

For the summer of 2008, I worked as an intern for Rural Missouri magazine. I designed the layout and shot photos for all stories I wrote. Rural Missouri covers a circulation of more than 500,000 Missouri Electric Co-op members and other subscribers.

The AB(C-4)s of Explosives
The AB(C-4)s of Explosives PDF

A passion for pewter
A passion for pewter PDF

Out on a Limb
Out on a Limb PDF

A Collection of Values
A Collection of Values PDF

Columbia Missourian: Writing/Reporting

In Fall 2007, I worked as a reporter for the Columbia Missourian on the enterprise beat. I scouted my own story ideas and reported on breaking news items.

Fathers cycle 1,700 miles to raise funds for cancer cure
“Fathers cycle 3,700 miles to raise funds for cancer cure” text

Balloons on the horizon
“Balloons on the horizon” text

Head Start
“Head start” front page PDF

“Head start” full online story

Girl Scouts learn about chemistry in MU Program
“Girl Scouts learn about chemistry in MU program” text

losingbyexample1 losingbyexample2

Losing by example PDF p. 1
Losing by example PDF p. 2

Online stories:

Barack-a-Que brings together Obama supporters

Gov. Blunt and other Republicans speak at Boone County GOP Chili Supper

Columbia Missourian: Editing

Fall 2008, I copy edited for the Columbia Missourian. This included editing stories for general spelling and grammar errors, as well as AP Style. I also wrote headlines, t- and c-decks, cut lines and jumps. These are a few examples of stories I edited and for which I wrote headlines.


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